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New Location Fun

Hello you guys hope you had a grate restful weekend

and wish you a productive and safe week

ok so one of my goals for 2020 was to travel to new locations for my photo session and give you guys new backgrounds, setting for your wonderful photo session, but corona was like NO....

its ok God willing we will have plenty of time to get out and use new locations..

one location in particular that i way dying to photograph in is The Houston Rental Studio

that place looks beautiful

last week i finally had the opportunity to book time in the studio and see it for my self

and yes i confirmed that i do love that place

My sister / assistant / baby sitter, what better opportunity that to try the studio out with my sis and her maternity session

i would love to have many more maternity sessions there with more of my beautiful maternity gowns

any photo session there i think would be fantastic,

I would LOVE a different generation family session in the studio, that would be phenomenal don't you guys think?

i think so

if that is something you are interested on let me know and we will

add it to the books (the studio has to be booked ahead of time its not a free or public place you can show up to so we have to plan it well according to their availability)

at the moment the studio is only allowing up to 15 people at once in there but maybe God willing 2021 we can do a grate big family photo session ( that would be so much fun and beautiful )

This beautiful young ladies' also accompanied me to the studio

any session here would be phenomenal

just take a look

Happy 15th birthday beautiful

Happy 18th Birthday beautiful

now youll know what I've been working on

if you are interested on a photo session reach out and well start planning

best way to get in contact with me is if you call me or text me 832 526 07 24

thanks for reading if you read the whole thing leave a heart emoji on the comments



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